Washington Scandals RFC: Andres Bascumbe

Andres Bascumbe of Washington Scandals Rugby
Team DC: How long have you played the sport or participated in the activity of your Team DC member club? Andres Bascumbe: One year. TDC: When did you first start playing/participating? AB: One year. TDC: What advice do you offer LGBTQ+ youth who are interested in your sport or activity? AB: Rugby is an inclusive sport. Out on the pitch, we’re all equals. And it’s a lot more fun to tackle and get tackled than you think. TDC: What is your favorite part of being a member of an LGBTQ+ team? AB: The diversity. The Scandals are by far the most racially and ethnically diverse team I’ve ever been a member of. I love that. I love that we can all come together and celebrate our differences.

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