Past Events

DC Sentinels April Game Night—April 20

DC Sentinels April Game Night—April 20

Greetings Sentinels, friends, and allies! It's time for the next DC Sentinels Game Night. This time around we're putting a unique spin on things by starting with a cocktail pre-game event hosted by the newest sponsor of the DC Sentinels, Bite the Fruit. We ask that...

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New Dancer Program

New Dancer Program

New dancer program hosted by DC Lambda Squares. This event occurs every Thursday from 6:30pm - 7:30pm throughout Spring/Summer of 2018. Weekly instructional program in modern western square dance. By the end of the program (22 weeks) students will be familiar with and...

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2018 Night of Champions Awards Dinner

2018 Night of Champions Awards Dinner

Night of Champions Awards Dinner Supporting the Team DC College Scholarship Program for LGBT student-athletes. Tickets: $100 Purchase your tickets HERE Includes Cocktail Reception, Silent Auction, Three-Course Seated Dinner, and Awards Program The MVP Award recognizes...

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