5th Annual CARA Scratch Tournament
Compete against bowlers in your average division in a scratch tournament, with a chance to win a trophy and bragging rights for the year. Open only to CARA league members. The average divisions are:
• D: 139 & under
• C: 140-159
• B: 160-189
• A: 190 & above
We reserve the right to cancel or combine average divisions if there is not enough interest in that division.
Format: Bowlers in each division will bowl 3 games. The top 3 in each division will move on to a stepladder format (3rd place bowls 2nd place; the winner bowls 1st place) to determine the champion.
If you’d like to participate, email [email protected]. Please include your current average and the CARA league(s) in which you bowl.
Entry is $20