Revisiting our Interview with Rouge Darts

We really enjoyed our interview with Rogue Darts. If you missed it, you are in luck because we are releasing it again today!  To learn more about Rogue League Darts, visit its website,, check it out on facebook @RogueDartsDC, on Twitter @RogueDarts,...
CAPS: Tony Mace

CAPS: Tony Mace

Team DC sat down with Tony Mace, president of the Chesapeake and Potomac Softball league aka CAPS, to get some thoughts and perspectives of what it means to be LGBTQ+ and an active sports team member. Team DC: How long have you played the sport or participated in the...

Revisiting Our Interview with Centaur MC

We really enjoyed our interview with the Centaur Motorcycle Club, hosts of Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend. If you missed our interview with the Cenaturs, you are in luck because we are releasing it again today!  Enjoy and learn more about the Centaur Mortorcycle Club on...

Revisiting Our Interview with USA Rugby Player Krista McFarren

We really enjoyed getting to talk to area athlete Krista McFarren. Krista played rugby with the Maryland Stingers from 1989-91 and from 1997-98 She was a Member of US National Women’s Rugby Team from 1989-1994, 1997-1998. As a National team players she was a Member of...
Cheer DC: Sydney Degnan

Cheer DC: Sydney Degnan

Team DC sat down with Sydney Degnan, a cheerleader and volunteer with Cheer DC, to get some thoughts and perspectives of what it means to be LGBTQ+ and an active sports team member. Team DC: How long have you played the sport or participated in the activity of your...

Revisiting Our Interview with the DC Rollergirls

We really enjoyed getting to talk to the DC Rollergirls. DC Rollergirls is a volunteer-run, non-profit organization, and are proud members of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) — the international governing body for women’s amateur flat track roller...

Revisiting Our Interview with the Manager of ALOHO

We really enjoyed getting to talk to Jo, the Manager of A League of Her Own. ALOHO is a partner and valued sponsor of Team DC and one of just 15 remaining lesbian bars in the country. ALOHO is one of the spaces included in the Lesbian Bar Project...

What a Year it Has Been – Episode 27

Greetings Sports Fans and Athletic Supporters: Come join us Under the Bleachers for our Season 1 Finale, Episode 27 – What a Year it Has Been This week it’s Laura’s turn to pick the topics and she chose to focus on a recap of the biggest stories from the world...

Three Cheers For Nigel Owens – Episode 26

Greetings Sports Fans and Athletic Supporters: Come join us Under the Bleachers for Episode 26 – Three Cheers For Nigel Owens This week it’s Gabe’s turn to pick the topics and he chose: For Our Discussion of All Things Queer, updates to the ban on blood...
Prodigy: Cheri Grantt

Prodigy: Cheri Grantt

Team DC sat down with Washington Prodigy’s Cheri Grantt to get some thoughts and perspectives of what it means to be LGBTQ+ and an active sports team member. Team DC: How long have you played the sport or participated in the activity of your Team DC member club?...