Please check out the following resources for information, opportunities and inspiration:

Athlete Ally believes that all advocates of equality and inclusion must join together to end biases against and bullying of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Together, there is no form of intolerance that we can not overcome.
The GLSEN Sports Project assists K-12 schools in creating and maintaining an athletic and physical education climate that is based on the core principals of respect, safety and equal access for all students and coaches regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression
The mission of Outsports is to build the broadest, deepest, most informative and most entertaining gay sports community. This encompasses sports fans, teams and leagues. A mixture of breaking news, commentary, features, member profiles, photo galleries and discussion boards, Outsports is the place to go for sports fans and athletes. Nothing like Outsports exists anywhere else either on- or off-line.
The It Gets Better Project was created to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach – if they can just get through their teen years. The It Gets Better Project wants to remind teenagers in the LGBT community that they are not alone — and it WILL get better
The Capital Pride Alliance, through its stewardship of diverse programming and events, specifically year-round LGBTQ+ Pride festivities centered in Washington, DC and the National Capital Region, serves to celebrate, educate, support, and inspire our multi-faceted communities in order to grow and preserve our history and protect our rights for current and future generations.
The DC LGBT Center educates, empowers, celebrates, and connects the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities.

To fulfill their mission, they focus on four core areas: health and wellness, arts & culture, social & peer support, and advocacy and community building.

The Mayor’s Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning Affairs (LGBTQ) is a permanent, cabinet-level office within the Office of Community Affairs in the Executive Office of the Mayor, established by statute in 2006 to address the important concerns of the District’s gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender residents. The District of Columbia has one of the highest concentrations of LGBTQ residents in the country with an estimated 7 to 10% of the population being LGBTQ.

The Office of LGBTQ Affairs works in collaboration with an Advisory Committee, appointed by the Mayor, to define issues of concern to the LGBTQ community and find innovative ways of utilizing government resources to help address these issues.

The mission of the Federation of Gay Games is to promote equality through the organization of the premiere international LGBT and gay-friendly sports and cultural event known as the Gay Games.

The Gay Games is built upon the core principles of Participation, Inclusion, and Personal Bestâ„¢. Based on these values, since 1982, the Gay Games have brought together people from all over the world, with diversity, respect, equality, solidarity, and sharing. The Gay Games is open to all, young or old, athlete or artist, experienced or novice, gay or straight.

It is a fundamental principle of the Federation of Gay Games that all activities conducted under its auspices shall be inclusive in nature and that no individual shall be excluded from participating on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin, political belief(s), athletic/artistic ability, physical challenge, age, or health status.