Stonewall Kickball Spring Opening Games & Party

Stonewall Kickball Spring Opening Games & Party

It’s almost time for some Stonewall Kickball! SKDC believes every person should have the ability to feel comfortable being oneself in organized sports. They also believe organized communities have the ability and responsibility to support others in need. Come as...
DC Kickball Open For Spring!

DC Kickball Open For Spring!

Pssst! Do you miss playing the most fun sport from elementary school? Would you like to try it on adult terms (think happy hour adult terms)? If so, then now’s the time because spring season registration is now open! All you have to do is visit our league page...
CAPS: Register early for 2020 Season!

CAPS: Register early for 2020 Season!

The Chesapeake and Potomac Softball league wants you!  Need to get out this summer and play around in dirt and grass? Oil up your old mitt and hit the fields for the upcoming CAPS season. Doesn’t matter if you’re an absolute newbie to the sport of softball...
CANCELED: DC Pride Volleyball: Spring Fling V

CANCELED: DC Pride Volleyball: Spring Fling V

Due to the current health assessment, DCPV has canceled this year’s Spring Fling. Join DCPVL as they host their fifth annual Spring Fling indoor volleyball tournament! Here’s a brief of how this tournament goes down: When: March 28, 2020Where: Catholic...
Rogue Cornhole Registration: Feb. 10 & 11

Rogue Cornhole Registration: Feb. 10 & 11

Come play with us! Rogue Cornhole DC registration opens up for returning players on Monday 2/10 and new players at 8am on Tuesday 2/11! We play Wednesdays this spring at The...